Thursday 9 April 2015

Scottish Cuisine: Donner Calzones

What wonders of the gastronomic art are to be found in this humble box, is that what I hear you cry?

Wonder no more, for 'tis a donner calzone. Yes, Scotland has combined the succulent delight of a traditional calzone pizza with donner kebab meat to give the world an amuse bouche to savour.

It consists of thin pizza dough, with the traditional base of tomato sauce and cheese, and a layer of onions. Then a gut busting amount of donner kebab meat is piled on top and the dough is then folded over to make the parcel, before being cooked for about five minutes in the pizza oven.

I had my first ever donner calzone tonight and trust me when I say that I can already feel my arteries hardening. All that for £8.50, with extra sauce thrown in free. What more can any man ask for?

By the way, excuse the mess in my kitchen, but after five years of this uncaring Tory government, what can you expect?

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