Monday 23 May 2016

Labour is disconnected from its voters over the EU

 I was talking to an electrician last Friday who commented on my window posters and told me that he was also going to give the two-fingered salute to the Federasts and their EU wet dream. He went on to tell me that at the age of 50 he had never voted in his life - not even in the 2014 Scottish referendum - but this  vote was so important that he had registered. His wife shares his anger, but has not yet registered, so I told him to buy her a bunch of flowers and when she gets all sentimental, stick the form in front of her to sign. He agreed that this was a good strategy.

Also on Friday, Labour gave us another Gillian Duffy moment when an MP named Pat Glass was caught on tape moaning that a voter was "a horrible racist." The poor man has done to ground and the Glass woman has had to make a grovelling apology just as the then Prime Mentalist did in 2010, but it tells you everything you need to know about today's Labour Party and the people who infest it from top to bottom.

The 1975 referendum on Britain's membership of what was then called the EEC was called for the simple reason that Labour was split right down the middle over the issue, and it was the only way that Harold Wilson could hold the party together. Cabinet members were allowed to campaign for one side or the other, and the majority of the party's rank and file members voted to leave. What the referendum meant was that when the dust had settled the party held together, which was all Wilson was after.

Today, Labour is pretty much united as a Federast wet dream, with the parliamentary party and the membership by and large united behind the desire to keep the country as a province of the European Union. That's fine, but the bulk of Leavers will be the self employed like my electrician, along with the low paid and the claimants. The C2 and D/E element in Britain, in other words, and we are all, every single one of us, getting mighty cheesed off by Labour's antics.

I have never seen such a disconnect between Labour and its voters as I have seen recently. Along with Pat Glass we had Emily, Lady Nugee MP, another entryist, who also enjoys mocking the people that she expects to vote for her.

You expect such insolence from the middle and upper classes, two groups that have become insufferable over the past few years, but the attitude of the party's members is new and troubling. Inasmuch as Labour even has a membership these days it seems to be made up of the  local government employed C1 stratum of teachers, social workers, generic local government and NHS managers and other ancillary rabble. I can just about take the old aristocracy, but this new polyocracy leaves me feeling in need of a nice hot bath. It is that polyocracy that gives the nominations to the likes of Glass and Nuggee for their safe, cushy parliamentary seats. Then they wonder why formerly rock-solid Labour seats become marginal all of a sudden.

The days when Labour activists lived on the same estates as the voters, and went drinking in the same swill shops on Friday evenings are long over. Labour's activists are lower middle class types who have more in common with the people that the voters hate and the policies that they oppose.

Labour lost Scotland forever in 2014 when it decided to support the Union when the bulk of its core vote had decided on a punt for independence. Now, in the rest of the country, Labour is a Federast party that wants to grovel to Brussels, whilst the bulk of its voters are Leavers.

From top to bottom, Labour has to realise that you cannot mock your voters and then expect them to vote for you. Neither can you have a policy such as the Federast one that the party enthuses over today, and expect a core vote that has been left behind by the forward march of globalised capitalism to fall in line behind that policy.

I predict that Labour in England will suffer the same fate as its  Scottish counterpart, once the dust settles from this referendum.

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