Saturday 14 May 2016

Coming soon - Brexit the pamphlet

This week's posts have been collected into one file, topped with an introduction and sent off to a friend to be proofread. Hopefully tomorrow that file will be uploaded to Amazon where it will become a Kindle e-book. It will be free to download, and will not have any Digital Rights' Management encoding, so you can read it on any Kindle enabled device.

Also tomorrow I hope to also convert the text to ePub and PDF formats. If you want either then please drop me a line and I will send you the files. The PDF would make a nice pamphlet to hand out from your Brexit stall.

Just my small contribution to the Good Old Cause.

1 comment:

  1. I originally voted NOT to join the Common Market. I was ready to vote next month to leave Europe. Unfortunately I downloaded your pamphlet from Amazon and I'm afraid to say you have almost convinced me to stay in Europe.
    Your words are so childish and so rude to people like me who have made it to middle management. If leaving Europe means being ruled by such ignorant, ill-mannered people I think I've changed my mind and will vote to stay in. I think your leaflet is appalling, you might just as well offer free beer and free tickets to football matches. Do you really think the average working class person is so stupid?

    Mary, Essex


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