Sunday 8 June 2014

Annabelle Fuller, alleged former mistress of Nigel Farage tried to kill herself after fight with Kirsten Farage

The Sunday Mirror has an explosive exclusive which quotes Annabelle Fuller (32) who is alleged to be Nigel Farage's former lover as saying that she attempted suicide after a public row with Kirsten Farage. By all accounts this followed hard on the heels of a stand up row at a post election party with Kirsten losing the plot completely when she saw that Annabelle had arrived. "If you do not leave, I will have security drag you out by the hair," Kirsten is reported to have screamed at the much younger Annabelle, who then took refuge in another bar to await the arrival of Nigel Farage who spoke to her for some time.

Yesterday a senior source in the Midlands told me that the press were offering large sums of money to anyone who had video footage of the cat fight, but so far nobody is willing to admit that they had their camera out to record the slanging match. The source also reported that nobody believes for a moment that the footage does not exist, but that people are refusing to release it, either out of a residual loyalty to Nigel Farage or because they are waiting for the right offer.

The story of Annabelle Fuller's suicide attempt is probably enough to add a few more noughts to the sums that are already on offer, so we await the airing of a video showing Kirsten Farage in full Hun mode at any moment.

You have to admit that this is all very entertaining.

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