Thursday 17 July 2014

A social worker writes...

There are many things that are amusing about the social work industry, but the one aspect of them which has me chuckling with great glee is their puerile desire for respect that comes coupled with a pathetic demand for status. That status is never going to be awarded to them, something which I suspect they know, deep down in their reptilian minds, but it doesn't stop them pleading. 

Yesterday one Gavin Tucker, a social worker in his mid-thirties who works in Havering, decided to leave a comment on this blog which I reproduce here, since it basically proves pretty much everything that I have ever said about these pathetic individuals:

Dear Ken, thought  I would drop you a line as this vehicle for your ego contains so few comments. I am one of the 'filth' who dares to care. I have also read your poorly informed attacks on the Social Work profession. I think you should spend a bit of time with Social Workers and actually find out what they do. You might be surprised, as Social Workers help and protect people everyday. The reality of Social Work is different to the stereotypes you peddle. All your attacks serve to do is align you with those who harm others. You portray the Social Work profession as some kind of secret police, when in fact we are an unfairly maligned profession that is, if anything, disliked by the establishment. I might add also that Social Work contains many talented and bright people, many of whom have previously been supported by Social Work themselves. I might add, just to establish my credentials, that I have two masters degrees and have attended three Russel  Group universities (incl Edinburgh University!). I would be interested to know your credentials. Gavin Tucker 

Just look at this ejaculatory spurt for a moment. When you have finished laughing, consider how outraged Tucker must have been to take the trouble to write this drivel in the first place. Then consider that if I had criticised a genuine profession in the same way that I go after the social work industry the reaction would have been one of bemusement. The true professions are recognised as such by the broader society, thus their members do not have to stake hysterical claims like this because their membership of an elite body is taken as read.

In just two hundred words or so, Tucker felt the need to use the word "profession" three times. That is not making a  case, rather it is the abject pleading of a man who knows, deep down inside, that he is nothing more than the representative of a body that is about as much use as the rats which dwell in a city's sewers. 

You will note that he invites me to engage in a pissing contest with him by posting my academic curriculum vitae on-line. What the fool fails to understand is that this is a political debate about how we allocate resources in our country. My view is that providing employment for the bovine is a good thing, just so long as those mouth breathers leave the rest of us alone. Thus Tucker can social work his mates, write reports that are never implemented and advocate actions that are never taken, but what he should not be able to do is dictate to the rest of us how we live our lives and run our families.

He makes the point that social workers are not secret policemen, and I agree entirely with that view. I had a close encounter of the very unwanted kind with Rhodesian security men in 1977 and many of them had served on the front lines in the brutal war that was then being waged in that country. There is nothing brave about social workers, which is why they take an army of thuggish policemen along when they make their dawn raids on people's houses.

Viewing Tucker's wank overall, I sense a fear  underlying his words; a fear that we may one day wake up to just how much money we squander every year providing cushy numbers for types like him. Our country has many faults, but it is still a mature democracy and the system is flexible enough to accommodate varying demands that are placed upon it. If the people of Scotland can force a referendum on the country's future, and if the people of Britain can push the Tories into promising a referendum on our membership of the EU, it is perfectly possible to push for the destruction of the social work vampires.

As I have said many times before, it only takes political will and British society can be rid of these parasites once and for all. Change the laws and we can then live our lives in peace, and ex-social workers can get used to their new status as employees of McDonald's.

Update: The little retard left another comment as a follow-up to the first. Alas, he left it on an unrelated post, which means that anyone stumbling on it by accident will wonder what the hell he was babbling about. I guess this is all pretty much par for the course from one of these head the balls.


  1. Sorry Ken, my mistake...
    I was most amused to read your blog entry Ken. This must have hit home somewhere, judging by your tetchy response & your insecurity about your CV - any decent blogger would have just laughed it off and moved on or more likely been open to some form of genuine debate. Instead, as you appear unable to engage in any form of dialogue, you chose to add a further instalment to your endless recycling of the same hateful and superficial nonsense. Nowhere, in any of your 'writings' on Social Work have you made any meaningful contribution. I might add that if I had any fear from your viewpoints I wouldn't have sent you a message in the first place. I've been interested to read through the rest of your sexist diatribe, also known as a blog, and it seems you are happy, among other things, to condone prostitution but appear unable to comprehend the idea of protecting vulnerable children.

    1. Gavin, You wrote" "Social Workers help and protect people everyday. The reality of Social Work is different to the stereotypes you peddle.."
      To me it is obvious that you wrote this either because it is your job, and you have to do this, or you are totally ignorant to the reality and bias, perhaps because of lack of courage to look at what is going on right in front of you.
      Let's look at facts: children get damaged in social and foster care far more than in their families, many run away from their abusers, and many attempt or succeed to suicide. There are thousands of kids who were taken away from loving families for minor offences not deserving such draconian measures; many are taken on fabricated facts. It is natural for children to long for their familiar family setting, as without families children lose the sense of identity and become prone to confusion. They do not as well in schools as they lose stability they crave. Being footballed from one family into another (often in a brutal inhumane manner) distracts them from focusing on their studies and, with their sense of security damaged, later they can’t pursuit their careers or form better relationships.

  2. Ken, are you for real? Did you really just use the term 'retard'? Do you have any standards or values? Can you only resort to foul language because you have nothing else to say? All I have ever seen from you, in the short time I have been reading this blog, is hate and prejudice.

  3. I don't have anything much to say to you because you are middle class crap, pathetically trying to prove how important you are.

  4. Ken, you have little to say because you have nothing to say. All you can do is resort to insults. This is because you have a warped political philosophy based on hate. Proving how important I am? I am not the one with the blog. At no time have you provided a coherent response. Your posts read like bigoted fridge poetry.

    1. Can you enlighten me please, Gavin, what is "fridge poetry"? I am a poet.

      This world would happily dismiss
      my verses and my vision.
      It listens to the devil’s hiss
      and treats me with derision.
      A foreigner, a pauper, I
      can’t tick the right boxes,
      an eye-sore in the worldly eye
      of those cunning foxes,
      who rule and, stifling living souls,
      can get away with murder,
      and Christians with heavens’ goals
      become for them a burden.
      However much they would disguise
      their murky deeds’ endeavours,
      but they will have to recognize
      my accent from the Heavens.


  5. Hardly insults: more truisms. I started off by pointing out that social work scum possess a pathetic desire for status, and along you came to prove my point. You want to debate with me, but I will not legitimise a parasite by doing anything other than toy with you.

    That's what drives you nuts and keeps you coming back. You demand the one thing that you will never get from me, which is an acceptance of your pathetic, puerile demand for status.

    Yours is not a profession: it is nothing more than outdoor relief for the lower middle class.

  6. Ken, more fridge poetry. You wont debate with me because you cannot debate with me. You just hide behind your insults. How can you speak about truisms when passing judgement about somebody you know nothing about, therefore how can this be truth?

  7. A truism is not the same as the truth, you buffoon. The former is a rhetorical device used when something is either self evident or generally accepted.

  8. I would add Ken, when thinking about truth, that I' ve helped turn lives around. I've helped families stay together. I've helped save the lives of children. Can you say the same ken? What will be your legacy after ukip?

    1. Saying that there are some good social workers means nothing. I am sure some good people worked for Nazi Germany, being deceived by the reality. This does not mean that Nazi did not commit atrocious crimes just as the Social Services do now. Many did not even know that there were concentration camps, as many, alas, do not know that Britain rapidly becomes more and more a dictator state similar to Stalin or Hitler regime.

    2. That is so sweet. I come home after a hard evening down the pub and find this waiting. It's retarded, like everything else you have written here, but sweet nonetheless.

    3. Hello Albina, and welcome to loonytunes. I can't get rid of this pompous little headcase, and to be honest I'm not so sure that I really want to. The more time he wastes around here the less he has to cause trouble for people in Havering, the town where he works.

  9. Ken, you need to look again at your gcse philosophy text book, you might learn something about truisms...

    1. Don't deceive yourself, Gavin. Even if we suppose for instance that there was some abuse going on in families, the society that is geared on punitive measures is barbaric and vicious, because it is lacking the spirit of forgiveness and true care. Billions of pounds spent on social workers, solicitors and courts only feed the fat cats, but this does not help families – it ruins them.
      The money wasted on destroying families could have been far better and more effectively spent on prevention of crimes such as distributing leaflets and free books to parents to look better after their children, organizing free classes, making films that would show a good model of a family, etc.
      Besides, those who abused their children did this not because they did not love them, but because they did not know any other way: they simply repeated the way how they were treated in their families before, or were simply under stress. No one is perfect. Sending children to foster parents does not solve the problem, because foster parents are not perfect either and not equipped with natural innate love for someone else’s kids. They take children not out of altruism but because the children give them better standards of living.

    2. Social services often close their eyes to the child abuse in care, because otherwise they would have to admit their mistakes, lies and manipulation, which is alas against the nature of majority. Only a few would have courage to admit that they made a mistake. Most are immune to criticism as they know that they could get away with murder in secret courts, where parents are gagged. As children’s voices in care are not heard and suppressed, the world is spoon-fed with the official version of ‘Social Workers help and protect people’, which is a cliché and a ridiculous one. In reality they help only themselves, while ticking the boxes and creating the illusion of care for public. ‘Correct’ wording on paper cancels the true experience of children and parents, who fight in courts for years to return their children.
      The fact that there are so many fighting parents indicates something terribly unhealthy about the world. They would not have fought if they did not love the children. Parents often are not given even an opportunity to prove that they could be good parents, as it is an ever-growing trend nowadays to remove the children from birth (!!!).This is a social engineering going hand in hand with masonic plans of getting rid of families altogether and nationalizing children, as some dictator regimes attempted to do. They would be easier to manipulate and to be fed lies by the state.
      The only advanced society is the one that cares to truly protect the family, rather than ripping families apart. Violence against the institution of family will backfire with vengeance in many folds. This is because parents in general are best fit to look after their offspring. This is how God set up the world. Children brought up in social care statistically have higher rates of alcohol and drug addiction, promiscuity etc., and end up more often with ruined lives than of those who were brought up by imperfect parents. A child especially needs the love of the mother because he developed an attachment in the womb. Ripping the child off the mother causes an unimaginable hole in child’s psyche. This is cruel.

    3. Albina, when you painted The Madonna Of Our Time, you captured something quite important, which this fool's rantings also illustrate. What Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil is more than creatures such as Tucker acting as small cogs in a giant machine of wickedness. It really is about how they try to justify their wickedness. Just read this clown's rantings - the way in which he almost pleads with us to see his actions through his eyes.

      We can't, because we do not possess his small, conformist lower middle class mind. So all we do is laugh, and that outrages him still further.

      I have always thought that mockery - and your artistry - is the way to discredit men like Tucker. We need to get people laughing at them, and then asking themselves one simple question:

      Why are we paying for these buffoons to ride first class on the gravy train?

    4. I don't think, Ken, that mockery would help because it does not help people to see the reality. They simply become entrenched in their falsehood. Among them not are all evil and many are genuinely misgided. The boss tells them that there is an abuse in the family, it is put on paper and they believe more paper than the facts in front of their eyes or try to justify what they do. This is called survival skills in an abominable twisted system, so they need more pity than hatred, although I agree with you Ken that it is difficult when you learn about thousands of cases being malhandled, and no perpetrator from social services or family courts get ever punished. Theya re above the law, even if they commit far worse crimes than parents would ever have done.Jesus called this looking for a speck in someone else's eye while not noticing the plank in their own.

  10. Albina, it's a good development that someone more articulate and less abusive than Ken is willing to enter this debate. However, reading your words means I am confronted with the same old misinformed stereotypes about social work. Firstly, I would say that I fully agree that the care system can and does damage children. But equally it is also able to help take children away from very dangerous and abusive environments. Most foster carers are decent and committed people working in the best interests of children. The decision to take a child into care is not just the whim of a social worker, it is a measured process of risk assessment and decision making, often involving parents and children in that decision making process as well as various other professionals within a framework of legal checks and balances. Many children also eventually go back to living with parents and many children in the care system achieve positive outcomes. I would add, however, that most social workers in the field of child protection spend more time helping empower families to stay together rather than trying to get children out and into care. Most of my work in my career has been about supporting families to avoid the care option and working with them as a family. This is representative of most social workers. I have had more than one job that has solely concentrated on working with children and families at the brink of going into care and helping avoid this. I have always worked in partnership with families based on transparency and values of empowerment. I have also worked extensively with children in the youth justice system to help prevent them reoffending (which is more than Ken who appears to derive pleasure from filming others fighting) and help them achieve a good quality of life - social work is not just about putting children into care. You have to accept, however, that there are times when children cannot stay with parents for their own safety. Where possible, in this case, social workers always look at family and kinship carers first. Policy and guidance ensures this kinship care option is considered. This is what social work is mainly about, not the stereotypes you have bought into. Furthermore, to underline the above, there is very little money in social work in an era of austerity, we do not have the resources you seem to think we have; and we certainly aren't some kind of sinister state security apparatus. Some of your response does seem to drift into Masonic conspiracy theory, and when you touch upon the Nazis and Stalin you seem to forget that Ken has a picture of Stalin on this website and he appears to admire this megalomaniac. You come across as an intelligent and talented person - I would seriously consider not allying yourself with Ken Bell. Just looking through his blog, looking at the abusive language he relies upon, looking at the sexism running through this blog, looking at the disgraceful & sexist comments he has made on this blog and elsewhere, he is not the kind of person any reasonable thinking person should associate themselves with. This is the first time I have bothered to debate with somebody like Ken, and that is an indication of how disgusted I am by his hateful bile about a range of issues, not just social work.

    1. Gavin, you accused me of having 'the same old misinformed stereotypes about social work.' I assure you that until I personally had an encounter with several social workers, I have found none of them honest bar one, and even then she was not courageous enough to confront the system and went with the flow. Even good social workers are afraid to lose their children so they put on the altar to Baal someone else's children in order to keep jobs and feed their own. Social workers across the country got a reputation of slimy or stupid people for a good reason. They became mostly a punitive organ rather than caring and you, thanks God, admit it. So there is hope for you then. Even though I disagree with Ken about his style of communication, I can see his heart aching for justice. Jesus was never alienating people of all walks and mixed with the most despised people, because he could see that their hearts were at the right place. So I am not going to judge Ken either. I can only advise him to not let his opponents to have a pretext of throwing dirt on him just because he cannot contain his righteous anger against injustice, corruption and manipulation of social services, who use secrecy and get away with murder.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I repost my removed text as I spotted mistakes.You claim, Gavin, that "there is very little money in social work in an era of austerity, we do not have the resources you seem to think we have; and we certainly aren't some kind of sinister state security apparatus".
      If you are blind then nothing I can do to open your eyes, unless Jesus does it, as He did through my own personal experience. I was also under an illusion that social workers do a good job before my own experience. I met ONLY lies and manipulations in the system. No justice, no care, only pretense of care, while my children were systematically damaged with condoning of the social workers.
      You might have no financial resources personally, but your bosses have billions investing in removing the children on ever increasing scale for minor offenses or fabricated ones, while they have no money for elderly. The system wipes its feet on social workers as well as it does to the parents and children, doing their dirty filthy work using social workers' hands. The proof is that the gates of hell expand day by day, as I watch with horror new rules and regulationsbeing introduced to remove more and more children - i.e. on the basis of their obesity for example or 'emotional' abuse (the parents refuse a child to go late at disco, and here we are - a child abuse case fabricated on the spot! I have talked personally to a few mothers to whom this had happened. One managed to return her child only thanks to social worker's professional misconduct - he tried to involve poormother in the affair with him and lost his job! He must have seen the impunity of social workers when they get away with removing the children for no reason, but burned his fingers becoming too big headed believing that he too like his bosses could do anything! Abuse is reserved to the people on the top. It is no wonder to read about lots of children strangely 'missing' from the accounts in some social services. Were they sold to be adopted by pedophiles? Interestingly, parents have no right to see their children after they are adopted! So no one really knows what is going on in those adoptive families, except later when they grow up and lots of revelations are coming to light what terrible live they had in their 'care'. I personally met a woman who was in a foster family abused for years. When I mentioned the word 'social services' she burst into tears, as she was repetedly raped and no one stood up for her.

  11. Ps Albina - in case you are interested, I could look into you may be shadowing a social worker for the day? You could find out more about what social workers actually do. Ken, afraid I can't extend the same offer to you as I would feel uncomfortable about you having contact with vulnerable people.

    1. Gavin, you accused me of having 'the same old misinformed stereotypes about social work.' I assure you that until I personally had an encounter with several social workers, I have found none of them honest bar one, and even then she was not courageous enough to confront the system and went with the flow. Even good social workers are afraid to lose their children so they put on the altar to Baal someone else's children in order to keep jobs and feed their own. Social workers across the country got a reputation of slimy or stupid people for a good reason. They became mostly a punitive organ rather than caring and you, thanks God, admit it. So there is hope for you then. Even though I disagree with Ken about his style of communication, I can see his heart aching for justice. Jesus was never alienating people of all walks and mixed with the most despised people, because he could see that their hearts were at the right place. So I am not going to judge Ken either. I can only advise him to not let his opponents to have a pretext of throwing dirt on him just because he cannot contain his righteous anger against injustice, corruption and manipulation of social services, who use secrecy and get away with murder.
      Gavin,I am flattered by your offering to view social workers’ day. Yet, you said: "I fully agree that the care system can and does damage children". From the horse's mouth! Enough said. This is exactly what my Cafcass officer said and voice recorded her, that my ex and social services damaged the children, (he got the children by deceit and manipulations after I raised a complaint against a social services manager and she retaliated, using her position of power, she recommended the court for the children to be with him, even though they could not find anything wrong with me a s a parent except not having consort games in the house, or not having relatives in the country (overlooking the fact that my ex was at war with majority of his relatives), but she submitted completely different things to the final court. Even though the Cafcass officerhad informed the court that my ex was abusive to the children, and it was in papers, but the court swept it. I am well acquainted with social workers lies – more than you can imagine. I raised great concerns about our children, especially our daughter rapidly deteriorated in morals and level of her education, being totally negleted. No social worker blinked an eye that the child was not going to school for 4 years. 20% attendance brought a phenomenal child (who was 3 years ahead of her peers) dropping to the level of under-achiever and who lost her identity and self-esteem, because my ex would not let the contact contrary to the court order. A talented musician who passed grade 5 at 10 and spoke 3 languages turned into an internet cabbage, and I can’t tell you here in public the full extent of damage done to my children by the social workers who pursued only their dirty interests to punish me for outspokenness (many Russians are direct people, who are not afraid to stand up against bullies. British are often broken weak characters who have betrayed all moral, as recent politics show, so I am glad to meet someone like Ken who is not afraid to speak out).

  12. This debate is frankly embarrassing. My sympathies to you Tucker, Mr Ken seems suffers syndrome call "a small cock".Care might be a little better if it was funded properly, if politicians didn't take it upon themselves to push through costly and counter-productive reorganisations, and if an incompetent but immensely powerful managerial class wasn't given free reign over large swaths of the public sector.
    In schools, hospitals, universities and social services, front-line staff are being forced to do more with less precisely as money is being drained from their coffers to pay for the very 'leadership' that has made these institutions unworkable. At the same time, Tory ministers are only too willing to bankrupt the public services by ensuring, for example, that new hospitals cannot be built without private finance, and that universities cannot be funded without student debt.
    What matters is that Britain has been 'reformed', that governments have become 'tougher' on public sector expenditure, and that morons like Jeremy Hunt, who is apparently qualified enough to control both the nation's healthcare and its social care. Pity we can't put our MPs into special measures when they sell out the general public putting their own interests first. However all the recognition for those who cares about people.

    Answers on Ken post, please , and don't be miserable and keep out your dirty comments about something you are not well informed best for yourself. .
    Cristina C.

    1. Cristina, aren't you fall into same mistakes as Ken did? You accuse him of using wrong language and yet, you call Jeremy Hunt a 'moron'. I don't know anything about Jeremy Hunt but I agree with you that most politicians in UK seems to lack something in their brain when it comes to submitting to uncle Sam's demands raping England of it its goodness.

  13. Cristina - for the first time on this blog I have read a post I whole heartedly agree with. This 'debate' (if you can call it that) has become embarrassing. I feel embarrassed for Ken. I have tried to introduce a different perspective, but Ken has just met this with a wall of abuse. Ken, I hope you find something to fill the emptyness in your life (please don't respond with some sexist jibe). Albina, I wish you luck with your artistic career (please don't forget my offer). I am now bowing out of this 'debate' as I have a life to be getting on with.

    1. Thanks for withing me good things in my artistic career. You are welcome to the conference "Children Screming to be heard" in London on the 25 July at London Resourse center. I will exhibit my work there. You have to book the place at Facebook or via phone.

    2. Here is the link:

    3. If you are going to pay for my transport to be a 'shadow social worker, I might consider your offer seriously.

    4. Hi A lbina, I will look into both the shadowing and travel costs, afraid I cannot guarentee either but I will make inquiries. If this is going to be feasible I will need.some other way of contacting you other than this blog. Ken, please show some respect to your friend and refrain from responding to this post. Albina is the only reason I have returned back here.

    5. Tucks - you're back again - how could I not respond to your latest bout of fuckwittery? Albina is an artist I admire because she uses her talents to go after parasites like you. If you want to meet her then travel to London on the 25th of this month to see her exhibition.

      I have mentioned this on the blog. Possibly you were too busy getting all worked up to read things properly. Never mind...

  14. If recognizing some of the most selfless, underpaid, and overworked people in our community is not worthy of your time, then please go away. My husband is a social worker, and the amount of good he has done for people the last 10 years is more good than I will do in my lifetime.
    As Albina said the only advanced society is that really care about protecting the family, a social care with the correct structure is the answer. so Why are we paying for these buffoons MP and political and hear the wretched men like Mr. Ken.? All you provide is hatred and social degradation. Michelle L.

    1. Michelle, working for a wrong organization, no matter how "most selfless, underpaid, and overworked" social workers are, does not make them right. It only shows the state's abusing them in order to abuse others in their goal to nationalize the children and ruin them. The most interesting quote that I have ever read sounds something like this: 'Most crimes are committed simply by professionals doing their jobs".

  15. Poor old Tucker, reduced to telling lies. You said you were leaving and there you are at Havering College, still logged on to this site. Tell me, does your gaffer know that you have now spent two long days providing me with free entertainment? Never mind, I won't say anything...

    Welcome also to Cristina and Michelle, both of whom seem to think that their insults will do anything other than amuse me. Girls, let me explain. Anyone who regards bastard work as anything other than a source of income is either a middle class arsewipe or an arselicking scab and either way they are fair game for me. So stop telling me how important your old fella is, Michelle, there's a sweetie. He isn't, he's just a lump of middle class crap out to work his ticket.

  16. Albina, you have for more patience with these maggots than I will ever have. I think you are wasting your time. The aim must not be to debate with these creatures, it should be to destroy them. To build the biggest coalition possible not just of families who are directly connected, but of people who just want to pay less council tax.

    You cannot involve social workers in this because turkeys do not vote for Christmas.

    1. And yet, Ken, we need patience. They are only human beings, albeit on a wrong side of the barricade. Jesus won the world by a tremendous self-control not to call the revenge even on people who crucified Him.
      Let Him do the work of punishing the wrongdoers. You will have a greater pleasure of seeing this happening than if you give the driving seat of your life to Him. The Lord had done tremendous miracles in my life. This gives me a confidence that He will carry on and return my daughter as well. My son did come back to me already, when he was out of jurisdiction of the courts age.

    2. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

  17. I have no need to shadow social workers as I have worked both sides so to speak I have found when working on the side of social workers many are lazy and can't be bothered I used to work in a mother and baby unit where social workers would dump their case loads at our door and yes I mean dump they would also leave at our door the booklet by which they expected us to do their assesments for them then just before a cp meeting etc they would ask for our report on the case we would then find that at the meeting they would hand round their so called report so called because it was our report copied and pasted with their name on it so we stopped furnishing them with a report pre meeting poor things they then had to write their own.They couldn't even be bothered to stick to their own rules as in they were supposed to visit their service users at least once per fortnight we had to ring them and argue with them to get them out so they are not all that. Yes there are some good ones but they are far and few between most are power hungry wanting to get one over on their service users and don't really care about their charges and I am speaking from experience from both sides

    1. Thanks for speaking the truth! Here is the link for those who do not believe that social services are playing a great part in demonic plan paving the way for the Antichrist.

    2. Anonymous, sorry, but I have only just seen your comment. Well, Friday is pub night when all is said and done...

      Listen, your story sounds interesting and I would like to post about it. Drop me a line if you are interested, and let's cry havoc and unleash the dogs of war on these creatures.


  19. There are too many films on Youtube and publications in newspapers about the corruption of social worker to fall for the lies that they protect children. They protect none except their own interests. Too many videos to select, so I put some randomly here.

    We should realize that unless we protest in masses, they will go from strength to strength destroying the nation. People should be national treasure but they are destroyed morally, physically and spiritually. My blood boils seeing how government is set to help pedophiles by using stupid social workers who believe that they do something good.

    May the curse of the Lord be on the Social Services, may this wicked organisation be destroyed by the Holy breath of Christ, who gave me an insight of what is going on and inspired me to fight with them until I die by whatever means I have. May my prayers be heard in the Heavenly realm. Come Jesus and deal with this wicked organisation and bring to repentance those who did not know what they were doing and punish those unrepentant ones with your mighty power.
    In Christ's name, Amen


    Innocent families running away from Social Services (SS) (20July12)


    Government's Secret Family Courts - Bill Maloney Reports

    Brian Gerrish - Institutional Abuse & Jimmy Savile


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